Monday 28 July 2014

The Nightstand Dilemma

  I think that one of the most important pieces of furniture is the nightstand. As I don't have one here, at home, it got me thinking that it is absolutely existential. But why am I spending a whole post on a simple, little nightstand. Because I think it actually represents more than each and every one of us could ever imagine. The nightstand is the place where we put everything aside and we submerge into the world of dreams. Symbolically, we put there our daydreams and our thoughts to pick them up with a fresh mind in the morning. Yesterday, when I just finished another amazing chapter of the book I am currently reading- Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises", I put it on the shelf, crying over the fact that I don't have a nightstand, because I felt as if the book needed to have a special place. After all, it contains one of the main worlds I inhabit at night. It had to have its own pedestal that would praise its significance and that would shelter one of the last creations of my mind. Also, my glasses are most probably sick of being left at random places. And my phone would proudly take part in this rebellion, as the last item I check out before actually going to my "mind palace" (Sherlock reference here!). This little piece of technology that holds one of my deepest desires and late night whispers. I realised I am definitely a nightstand person - back in my old flat in Glasgow, my nightstand was one of my favourite pieces of furniture - I had my speakers there, my lamp, the current book I was reading, an oddly beautiful nose stand for my glasses and some basic survival items. So, it was a tiny representation of my inner world - I strongly believe that a nightstand could tell a lot about its owner. Therefore, I should totally put that at the top of my shopping list!
 I figured out that I have to change that when I go back in Glasgow - my new flat lacks nightstands as well. But instead of just going to IKEA and buying something fairly random, I decided that I should get my hands dirty and research a little bit more - creativity awake!!! Of course, I went to my favourite source of inspiration when it comes to fashion or interior design, or anything else-  Pinterest! NB: My furniture there is white, so I have to stick to that colour! And drawers, I need as many as I can get!
 So, later on  I am going to post my findings and ideas! 

Dream on ! 

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